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Hof.js can be installed by using npm.

npm install @hofjs/hofjs

This package contains builds in esm, cjs and nomodules formats. While cjs is suitable for server-side JS projects (Node projects), esm is the standard for client-side JS projects. To support older browsers without JS module support or to realize a small web application without requiring JavaScript modules, the nomodules variant can be used.

The following examples show the different import alternatives.

import { HofHtmlElement, html } from "pathToNodeFolderOfApp/node_modules/@hofjs/hofjs/lib/esm/hof";
const { HofHtmlElement, html } = require("pathToNodeFolderOfApp/node_modules/@hofjs/hofjs/lib/cjs/hof");
<script src="pathToNodeFolderOfApp/node_modules/@hofjs/hofjs/lib/nomodule/hof.js"></script>

Usage examples for the different package formats can be found in the links below. There is also a starter template available for new projects that includes all required packages and supports Hot Module Reloading.

Hof.js also supports autocomplete for your HofHtmlElement components including templates and styles within Visual Studio Code. Follow the step by step guide to setup vscode to get the best developer experience.

Table of contents

Hof.js is an open source project of Hof University of Applied Sciences. It is MIT licensed.