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Visual Studio Code

Hof.js supports autocomplete for your HofHtmlElement components including templates and styles within Visual Studio Code.

To enable support, you need to do the following:

  1. Install Visual Studio Code extension lit-plugin.
  2. Modify workspace settings for lit-plugin to enable strict mode and disable complex property warning (because Hof.js supports this without performance problems in contrast to other frameworks).
  3. Optionally, disable missing input rule of lit-plugin if you use the nomodule build of Hof.js.

Additionally, to support attribute detection, you have to add jsdoc to your HofHtmlElement class. This allows lit-plugin to provide autocomplete for valid attributes of your HofHtmlElement component. This is described later in this tutorial.

1. Installation of lit-plugin extension

lit-plugin installation

2. General configuration of lit-plugin extension

lit-plugin enable strictmode setting

lit-plugin disable complexproperties warning

3. Optional configuration of lit-plugin extension

This step is only required if you use the nomodule build of Hof.js. If you do use the esm build of Hof.js and use js modules (recommended for modern apps) don’t change this setting to off because it checks for missing import statements regarding HofHtmlElement components.

lit-plugin disable missing imports check

4. Create modern apps with modular Hof.js

To get you started with modular Hof.js app development, choose “Modern development” in the side navigation.

Hof.js is an open source project of Hof University of Applied Sciences. It is MIT licensed.