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ESM build

ESM (ECMAScript modules / es modules) is the standard for client-side JS projects.

Import statement

import { HofHtmlElement, html } from "pathToNodeFolderOfApp/node_modules/@hofjs/hofjs/lib/esm/hof";

Usage sample

Minimal esm example

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Minimal demo</title>
    <script type="module">
        // Inline JS - should be outsourced to external file.      
        import { HofHtmlElement, html } from "../lib/esm/hof.js";

        customElements.define("main-app", class extends HofHtmlElement {
            templates = html`<h1>Hello at ${new Date()}</h1>`
    <p>This must be running on a web server to work, for example the vscode live server.</p>


Hof.js is an open source project of Hof University of Applied Sciences. It is MIT licensed.